
1. 买了几张彩票贴在加油站,陌生人,祝好运咯!

This picture of a person leaving the other customers a little extra gift.

2. 如果你失业了,又需要一身干净的衣服去面试,那么本店干洗免费!

When these people put this up in front of their launderette.

3. 我叫了外卖,在特殊需求里写道:“我刚被甩了,画点什么让我开心吧”。于是我收到了这样的餐盒

When this person got the nicest delivery ever.


And this person decided that no cat should have to get wet.

5. 小姑娘写给兽医:谢谢你治好了我的狗狗,尽管它只有三条腿了,但是我依然爱她!

This note from a little kid.

6. 亲爱的三号停车位,抱歉我昨天占了你的位置,画个蜘蛛给你,一定要原谅我哦!来自15号停车位

When this person realized that cute spider drawings solve all problems.


This candid shot of the cutest couple.

8. 坏消息是你没锁车,也没关车灯!好消息是你没锁车所以我帮你把车灯关了~

This new friend's note.

9. 一个做太久服务员的母亲,突然收到了一份小费。

This photo of a family's dream come true.

10. 我哥们儿在游戏厅赢了24000张奖券,然后全送给了一个小盆友~

The guy who made a little kid's gaming day.

11. 你不认识我,但是我发现你的卡车需要更换轮胎。我想为陌生人做些事情因为曾经也有陌生人不计回报地帮助了我。拿着这张收据你就可以去把轮胎免费换了。我唯一的希望,就是某天你也可以无偿地帮助到完全陌生的人。

The best mechanic around.

12. 美国大兵发现了四只小兔子,他们的妈妈已经去世了,于是他把他们带回家,拿滴管喂他们,直到可以放归大自然。

The picture of the nicest Marine in existence.

13. 没有手的Ahmad和没有脚的Fatima,在一起依旧是完整的美好人生。

These pictures of Ahmad and Fatima, a young married couple who, despite Ahmad having no arms and Fatima having no legs, take care of each other.

14. 这哥们儿把自己车的贴膜换成了黑板材质的,这样孩子们就可以在上面拿粉笔画画啦~

The picture of a car that was transformed into the best toy ever.

15. 关键时刻真的还是人民子弟兵最靠谱!

These soldiers.



I overheard your phone conversation with Mike last night about your plans to come out to me. The only thing I need you to plan is to bring home OJ and bread after class. We are out, like you now. I’ve known you were gay since you were six. I’ve loved you since you were born.

P.S. Your mom and I think you and Mike make a cute couple.”


P.S. 你妈和我都觉得你和Mike是很好的一对儿~

Nate's dad's note.

17. 轮滑哥发现了一只受伤的海鸥,于是他帮助这只海鸥在喷泉的地方喝水。

This photo of the nicest Rollerblader ever.

18. 两个橄榄球运动员看到一个残疾学生在独自吃饭,于是和他坐在了一起~

This picture of two football players who didn't want this student to eat alone.

19. 我们学校有个孩子,给没有午饭的同学做免费的三明治吃。

This kid's lunchtime routine.

20. 免费果汁,只收你一个微笑

And this little kid invented a new form of currency.