Reddit上有个帖子 “各位父母们。。 你的孩子对你说过(或者做过)的最恐怖的是什么??” 看完觉得大家的童年都好精彩。。。。。。。。
What is the creepiest thing your young child has ever said to you?
[–]UnfortunateBirthMark 5019 points 10 months ago
I was tucking in my two year old. He said “Good bye dad.” I said, “No, we say good night.” He said “I know. But this time its good bye.”Had to check on him a few times to make sure he was still there.
我搂着我2岁的儿子。 他说:爸爸,再见了。 我说:我们应该说晚安。 他说:我知道,但是这一次,再见了。。。 晚上我起来好几次看看他还在不在。。。
[–]QuagmireDP 1237 points 10 months ago
While changing my daughter in front of the open closet door. She kept looking around me and laughing. I asked her what was so funny. She said, “the man.” To which I replied, “what man?” She then pointed at the closet and said, “the man with the snake neck.” I turn around and nothing was there. I’m afraid to look into the history of my house to see if anyone hung themselves in the closet. At least she wasn’t scared.
我在一个衣柜面前帮我女儿换衣服。她一直在笑。 我问她为啥笑。 她说,那有个人。 我说,哪个人? 她指了下那边的衣柜说,那个脖子上有条蛇的男人。。。 我回头一看发现什么都没有。。 不知道如果我去查一查这个房子的历史的话。。。
[–]evillawnornament 1241 points 10 months ago
“Daddy sleep” then pushing my head underwater at the pool.
“爸爸你去睡觉吧!” 然后他就把我的头按到了游泳池里。。。
[–]NotTomPettysGirl 2607 points 10 months ago*
Not to me, but to his grandmother.
He was cuddling with her and being very sweet (he was about 3 at the time). He takes her face in his hands, and brings his face close to hers, then tells her that she’s very old, and will die soon.
Then he makes a point of looking at the clock.
[–]Like_I_was_sayin 4290 points 10 months ago
My 3 year old daughter stood next to her new born brother and looked at him for awhile then turned and looked at me and said, “Daddy its a monster..we should bury it.”
[–]CtrlShiftZ 1279 points 10 months ago
“Daddy, remember that time we died?”
[–]abluesxs 1553 points 10 months ago
I jokingly asked: “What’s the best way to get a girlfriend?”
7-year-old’s response: “Tell her to be my girlfriend or she’ll never see her parents again.”
[–]falicor 3257 points 10 months ago
Why are you crying?
“Bad man”
What bad man?
“There.” Points behind me at a dark corner of the room
Lamp on bookshelf next to said darkened corner falls off as soon as I turn to look.
She slept in our bed that night
”那里“ 指了指我身后的黑暗角落
[–][deleted] 747 points 10 months ago
My two year old has been running from rooms screaming lately. The reason is always “a guy! a guy!”
I’d go in the room and ask what was the matter. She would point into the empty room, terrified, whispering “a guy!!!”
At first I thought I’d need to rethink everything I thought I believed about ghosts. Then, I realized “a guy” was actually “a FLY.”
She is terrified of flies.
我跑过去看怎么了。。她总是指着空房子说。。 “有人!”
直到有一天。。我才直到。她说的”有人( a guy)“ 实际上是。。 ”有苍蝇(a fly)“。。。。
[–]hasnfefr 2805 points 10 months ago
My son (about 6) asked my mother to lay down on her stomach, then he sat on her butt and started bouncing up and down and proclaimed, “Now we’re mating like reptiles!” Thanks Discovery Channel!
我6岁的儿子,让他妈妈趴下来,然后做到了妈妈屁股上。。 开始上下跳动。。然后对她说。。我们终于像爬行动物一样交配了!
[–]bladel 178 points 10 months ago
My mom likes to tell this story: Apparently when I was 5 or 6 I told her that aliens had stolen her real son, and replaced him with me, an exact copy. Someday, I would return to my home planet.
But she shouldn’t be sad, because her real son had a good life in our zoo.
@@_婳婳_:我和两岁的侄儿单独在家,他在卧室睡觉,突然就开始害怕的哭起来,然后瞪着眼睛指着橱衣室,说"走!走!……" 那个没有窗户三面镜子的长长的橱衣室黑黑的[生病]他一直瞪那儿,我回头又什么都看不到[悲伤]幸好出去打麻将的姐姐回来了,说是"感觉不放心,回来看看"
@渣渣中的元帅:我朋友讲过一个类似的 姥姥家 小时候 晚上睡觉迷迷糊糊醒来 看见一个穿红色戏服的女人坐在床对面的沙发上 她差点吓尿 想喊姥姥起来 就忽然被红衣女用手指着瞪眼(赤果果的威胁) 然后她尿了 之后的我忘了 当时夏天中午走在回家的路上听的 我瞬间觉得不那么热了
@冯点点_mio:我妈给我讲的 有一次她去一个阿姨家打麻将 阿姨家的小女儿也刚会说话 就一个人对着一面白墙咯咯笑 问她笑什么 她说墙上开了好多花儿。。。。。